
Integral specialists in cleaning and comfort

Year: 2019

Real or artificial Christmas Tree

Real or artificial Christmas tree

We have finally reached the last weekend of December. It is possible that you dedicate this weekend to buy the Christmas tree and have been wondering for days which one is best for home: if a real or artificial Christmas tree.

From Perlimp we explain you the pros and cons of having a real or artificial tree at home.

Real tree

-If you have a large dining room with enough space, you can opt for a real tree. Years ago, this was the most common in our homes, although little by little the option of artificial trees has been extended.

-A real Christmas tree is ideal if you have a garden and can plant it outside once the Christmas period is over. If not, you can also choose to plant it in a large pot, but for that you have to make sure that the tree has long and strong roots.

-In addition, as every plant absorbs carbon dioxide and helps purify the environment.

It’s prettier than an artificial tree.

-When we buy a real Christmas tree we do not contribute to the deforestation of forests, since they are grown in nurseries. So they don’t have a negative impact on the environment.

Do not throw it away when you want to get rid of it. Take it to a clean point as trees also release methane gases when they decompose.

–You have to take care of it: water it, clean the falling leaves and keep it out of heat sources.

– It is difficult to transport, since it weighs more than an artificial one.

Artificial tree

-An artificial Christmas tree is cheaper than a real tree.

-It is more resistant and doesn’t need care.

Their production contaminates, since they are usually made with petroleum derivatives.

They are not recyclable, so be sure to use it for a minimum of 10 years and once you get rid of it throw it in a clean spot.

It’s not as pretty as a real tree.

-Easy to transport.

Now you decide, which one suits your needs?

In Perlimp we are specialists in gardening services and we can also advise you with your Christmas tree.

Como limpiar el vomito del coche o alfombra

How to clean car or carpet vomit

If you have reached this article, it is probably because you have children and you have already had to clean dirt in the most unexpected places. Here we will explain how to clean the vomit of the car or carpet.

When there are children in the house and it is winter it is very comfortable to use carpets, since they avoid the cold of the floor and are more cozy, but when they get dirty, it is not always easy to clean them and less when we talk about vomit, since in addition it usually leaves a persistent smell and difficult to remove.

Tips for cleaning car or carpet vomit:

-Once the disaster has occurred, get down to work as soon as possible, to prevent the carpet or car from absorbing vomit.

-You should not rub the area, just dry it gently with a sponge.

-Ideally you should protect yourself with a mask and latex gloves.

-Open the windows so that the area is ventilated.

– Get rid of everything you can from solid matter. Throw it into the w.c or plastic bag. If the vomit has dried, vacuum as much as you can and slightly moisten the area to prepare it for the next steps.

Pour baking soda over the entire surface. Let it act, let it dry in lumps and lift the mess from the carpet. There are alternatives to bicarbonate, such as corn starch, salt or carpet deodorant.

– Vacuum the lumps with a carpet.

-Apply a stain remover or enzymatic carpet cleaner. Read the instructions first and do a test in a small area.

– Dry the stain carefully with a damp microfiber cloth.

-Let the carpet air dry overnight. If you can, keep the windows open to speed up the process.

Remove the smell of the carpet:

You may have followed all instructions, but the smell does not disappear… .ok! do not give up!

-Do all of the above, except the last two points.

-If you have a steam cleaner, make sure you can apply it on the carpet, since depending on how it is, the fibers can be damaged. If you can apply the steam on the carpet, the steam will kill all the germs and bacteria, which are what causes the bad smell.

-Apply disinfectant carefully and following the instructions.

-Apply carpet deodorant or prepare water mixed with a few drops of essential oils at home, if they are citrus, better and apply it with a spray.

Alternative cleaning methods:

Clean the vomit with soda

Pour soda directly into the stain to cover it completely. Take a dry cloth and soak the area. What soda does is transfer the carpet stain to the cloth. Repeat as many times as necessary. When you finish rinse it with cold water.

Homemade cleaner


-2 glasses of warm water

-Middle glass of vinegar

-1 tablespoon mild washing machine detergent

-1 tablespoon of salt

-2 tablespoons of alcohol

Mix everything well and add it in a spray diffuser bottle and apply it to the affected area. Let it sit for about 15 minutes and during that time the carpet should eject everything up. Now take a brush and rub the area. Finally, wipe clean until all the residue has disappeared.

Call us

If you can’t get rid of the stain you can always call us. Our team has specific cleaners and the right techniques to do all the dirty work for you.

Things you should never clean with vinegar

One of the most used ingredients when it comes to creating your own cleaning solutions at home is vinegar. It is said that this magic liquid has strong cleaning and disinfection powers. Actually, it can be used to remove soft spots or polish specific surfaces, but not all.

From Perlimp, we remind you that vinegar is a natural acid, which means that it has the power to cause serious damage if not used properly. That is why we have made a list of things you should never use vinegar in.

By the way, although the photo shows wine vinegar, the best vinegar to clean is white or apple vinegar.

Avoid using vinegar on marble or stone surfaces

Never use vinegar on stone countertops, it will do more harm than good.

What will happen?

Well, the acid will eat the stone. Discolorations and splinters will occur and your countertops will lose their shine.

What to use instead?

A first mixture of liquid dish soap and warm water will clean the marble surface much better. If you prefer, you can buy a specialized cleaner for these types of surfaces.

Do not use to clean pearls

Some people think they can use vinegar to polish virtually everything. But really it’s not so.

What will happen if you use vinegar to clean pearls?

Vinegar is known for its ability to completely dissolve pearls. The reason is simple, pearls are made of calcium carbonate, just like lime.

What to use instead?

Pearls are cleaned very easily. Do not put them in water or any chemical solution. Simply clean the pearls with a soft, damp cloth.

Vinegar is NOT good for your tiles

Many mold cleaners have vinegar as an ingredient and this can be a risk to your bathroom tiles.

What will happen?

Acid cleaners will damage the lining of your tiles and may even cause them to break more easily.

What to use instead?

You can use any non-acidic cleaner, from a simple liquid soap to a multipurpose detergent. The tiles, being smooth surfaces, are easily cleaned if you have the right tools.

DO NOT use it on electronic devices

You may have heard of the billions of microbes that live on your touch screen and want to eliminate them. Believe us, don’t use vinegar for that.

What will happen?

If you use some cotton, moistened with vinegar to clean your tablet or mobile, you run the risk of removing its oil-resistant coating.

What to use instead?

There are many different brands of screen cleaners. You just have to choose one and always apply it with a microfiber cloth.

Iron does not like vinegar

If you want to clean any iron object using vinegar you will spoil it. Vinegar and lemon juice are edible, but also acidic, which can seriously damage part of your household belongings.

What will happen?

If you decide to pour vinegar into the water hole in your iron and clean it as you would with a washing machine, you will find completely different results. The acid will damage the delicate internal parts of the iron and may even cause the appearance of rust.

What to use instead?

Always read and strictly follow the manufacturers instructions and guidelines. Don’t risk losing your money on expensive repairs.

Protect the wooden surfaces of your home

When performing their cleaning services, most companies use specialized solutions designed to protect wooden surfaces and extend their life. However, homemade products that contain vinegar are not so soft.

What will happen?

The acid will dissolve the varnish coating on the wooden furniture. Large discolored spots will appear and the surface will be permanently damaged.

What to use instead?

If you don’t have a good detergent at home, the multipurpose cleaner will do the job.

If you don’t want to play it and get an effective cleaning, you can always rely on our professionals to do the work for you. Contact us! or call us at 930 100 268.

Equipo de limpieza

9 cleaning mistakes that can make you sick and can be dangerous

Most of us spend much more time than we would like to scrubbing, sweeping and dusting, so it is important to know what effects it can have on our health and how we could minimize them. Therefore, we have selected the 9 most common main mistakes you could be making in cleaning your home:

Scrubbing mold

Nobody likes our house to get moldy, but scrubbing spores can be extremely dangerous if not done properly.

Mold, especially that which is caused by moisture, is unpleasant and it is tempting to try to remove it, simply with a cloth and a cleaning product. But doing so could cause respiratory problems, and even hallucinations.

Black mold that grows on wet walls can often be highly toxic since they can send spores into the air, which spread like a virus. The most common type can cause respiratory problems, skin inflammation, tiredness and nausea. While others molds can even cause hallucinations.

To get rid of mold safely, we advise you to always wear a protective mask, rubber gloves and safety glasses. The most effective way to combat it is by pouring bleach into a spray bottle, before covering the moldy areas and letting it act for 30 minutes. Open all windows to allow toxic fumes to escape and clean and rinse the area.

Do not clean the sports equipment

From weights to yoga mats, many people have some type of exercise equipment at home. But, how often do they clean thoroughly?

There have been many studies on the mistakes we make with training equipment. And, often, the gym team carries more germs than toilets, including those that can cause boils, eczma, acne and rosacea, as well as the dreaded MRSA superbacterium. It is not necessary to clean it as a routine but it must be cleaned and disinfected regularly. “

Mixing cleaning products

Mixing cleaning products can cause chemical reactions.

When you use several you must be careful of do not mix them.

Household cleaning products are often dangerous. But they become even more dangerous when they mix.

The most important thing to keep in mind is not to mix bleach with other substances. Bleach and any ammonia-based cleaner is a super dangerous mixture, as it can create a toxic gas that could even be fatal in some circumstances.

Also, bleach and vinegar too, they can release a gas that can attack the airways.

Make your bed

We have good news: You don’t have to make your bed again! Well, or almost, at least you don’t need to do it as soon as you wake up. Instead, you should remove the eiderdown from the bed and let the mattress breathe.

Dust mites like heat and humidity, that’s why they like your bed. Your microscopic stool can trigger reactions, such as asthma and eczema, as well as sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, itching, chest tightness and shortness of breath. But if you leave your bed unmade every morning, exposing your bed to cold air, the mites will simply dehydrate and die.

Then you just have to do the laundry bed weekly at high temperatures and dust off.

Do not clean the vacuum

Most of us only empty the vacuum when it is full, but it must be done on a regular basis. The brushes and the inside of the vacuum cleaners act essentially as a mobile germ factory.

Bacteria and germs become infected and reproduce inside, multiplying rapidly. There has been research that suggests that 15 percent of all vacuum cleaners in they actually house E. coli.

We advise owners to empty their vacuum much more regularly and also clean and disinfect it well after each use.

Do not clean the door seals of the fridge

It is very close to all our food, but the refrigerator door seal, which has many folds and clefts, often overlooked in the cleaning process. But these cracks are food residue traps and insects can remain there, undetected, for years. It can also trap mold, which is released every time you open and close the door and can cause allergy.

Do not wash gloves and dishcloths

Dishcloths are often used several times before throwing them in the washing machine. But you really should change them every day, as they are often wet and hot from usea bove, which allows bacteria to multiply rapidly. Every day you should replace them with some clean and dry or wash them at the end of each day, so they are ready to use again the next morning. The same goes for oven gloves.

Do not lower the W.C lid

All the hard work of cleaning the bathroom can fall apart the moment we go to the W.C and pull the chain without closing the toilet lid. Each time you pull the chain without closing the toilet lid, the poop particles are thrown into the air. These bio-aerosols can be extremely harmful. Water drops in the air are often contaminated with viruses and bacteria.

These harmful particles can remain in the air for about 30 minutes! There are studies that have shown that E. coli and norovirus can be transmitted in this way. If you also have your toothbrush near the toilet, these life-threatening insects can fall on the bristles.

Do not wash the cutting board

By their very nature, cutting boards end with deep cuts, which can house all kinds of unpleasant germs, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. The dishwashing detergent might not penetrate these holes and eliminate bacteria. Therefore, we recommend washing the cutting boards with bleach, just to be sure that we completely eliminate all the horrible things that could be hidden underneath.

limpieza paneles solares

Solar panel cleaning

We are in the middle of August, the sunniest time of the year, so those of us who have solar panels are in luck.

If you still haven’t cleaned them as you should, you’re still on time. Clean solar panels absorb more light than dirty ones.

In professional cleaning, the safest and most efficient way to clean them is through water-powered posts. This involves pumping pure pressurized water through an extendable pole and using a special brush at the end to gently rub the panels.

As the system uses pure water (which is filtered to remove impurities), there is no need for chemicals, which means there is no risk of damaging the panels. The technique of the water-powered pole also means that we can easily clean large solar panels: the pole is extensible and reaches up to seven floors.

In offices and companies, having panels reduces energy expenditure and minimizes the impact on the environment, thus reinforcing the brand image and social responsibility towards customers.

However, once you have done the installation they will need maintenance and cleaning that an external company will have to do.

Why it is essential to take care of solar panels

Solar panels are an innovative technology and have the potential to have a great impact on your business. Taking care of this investment is key, especially when it comes to cleaning. Ensuring that the solar panels are clean will help offer optimum performance at all times, as well as contributing to the overall aesthetics of the building.

Specialized cleaning for solar panels will not only provide a beautiful finish but also prevent any damage to solar panels during the process. Regular cleaning provides peace of mind and helps ensure that the company takes full advantage of its green investment.

What does cleaning solar panels imply?

Working with a specialized cleaning service means that wherever the solar panels are located, they can be cleaned quickly and easily.mWater-fed posts tend to be the most effective option for cleaning.

Water-powered posts work by using pressurized water, instead of chemicals. Water is pumped through the poles, which creates a powerful jet of water that can be used to clean surfaces such as solar panels. The end result is an incredible cleaning, even up close.

Specialized cleaners understand the complexities of cleaning this type of technology and have the experience to do an exceptional job. A professional cleaning team will also have all the necessary documentation, such as health and safety guidelines to ensure that your experience with them is positive and protected.

At Perlimp we also recognize that companies that invest in solar panels value solid ecological credentials and ecological working methods.

We are an environmentally conscious company and we always seek to offer the most sustainable solutions to our customers. We have worked to design cleaning solutions that support our specialized experience so that we can offer an attractive package to green companies with solar panels.

The specialized cleaning of solar panels is essential for any company that makes this type of investment: contact us to know how we can help you protect yours.


How to change a light bulb

Electrical work at home is complicated although there are always certain small tasks that an owner can do without the need of a professional electrician. Changing light bulbs is one of them. Although as easy as it seems it is possible that you get hurt while doing it.

Therefore, we recommend you to follow this fantastic guide to change light bulbs that we have created for you from Perlimp:

Types of light bulbs

To start we have to know the different types of light bulbs

There are a lot of different types of light bulbs. They vary according to size, shape, wattage and even color. We have chosen the most used for this publication:

Incandescent: these are the most used light bulbs in Spain and the world. They oscillate between 40 and 110 watts. It can last up to a year. Its light is usually warm. Depending on the power, the bulb can have a yellowish to white shine. You can also find colored glass options. Incandescent bulbs can be used for all types of lighting, including room lamps and flashlights.

Halogen: halogen bulbs are very similar to incandescent bulbs, with the difference in their lifespan. In general, halogen bulbs have a longer life. They use halogen gas in a system called a halogen cycle that eliminates the evaporation of tungsten and prevents it from sticking to the glass. Halogen bulbs produce a white light similar to daylight around noon, so they are often used for offices, businesses and study rooms.

LED: LED or light emitting diodes are one of the most energy efficient lighting options. They are cold to the touch even when they are illuminated. LED bulbs use less electricity than other options, do not contain mercury and do not emit UV or infrared rays. They can last up to 10 years.

CFL: CFLs, or compact fluorescents, are another type of energy saving light bulbs. They are more affordable than LEDs and last up to 10 years. However, CFL contains mercury, which is dangerous if it breaks. Another drawback is that the CFL can take 30 seconds to light up completely.

How to change a light bulb

There is nothing that bothers more than to return home from work, tired, press the switch of the light and see that it blinks, until finally the room darkens completely. Do not panic …

Change the bulb during the day: if it happens that the bulb has melted when it is at night it illuminates the area well with additional devices: candles, flashlight, etc. This way you will avoid hurting yourself by stepping on a chair, a ladder, etc.

Turn off the power source: if you are changing the bulb of an accessory with a plug, remove it from the outlet. If you are changing the bulb of a wall or ceiling lighting, it would be a good idea to turn off the power just to be sure. By doing this, you will turn off all the lighting in your home, which is another reason to replace the bulb during the day.

It uses a robust ladder: there are bulbs that are ideal. If you have one of those, use it to avoid having to get on a chair or a ladder. If not, make sure to use a sturdy ladder. Ideally, a member of your family will provide additional support just in case.

Remove the bulb from the socket: once you can reach the bulb, touch it lightly to make sure it is not hot. If it is easy to grasp, turn it to the left. Sometimes the base of the bulb stays attached to the socket. If this happens, you will need pliers to remove the screw. Have your assistant hold the old bulb while you screw the new one. Put the new bulb in the cap. Once the socket is empty, place the base of the new bulb in its place and turn it to the right. Once you can not squeeze more, your job is done. Do not squeeze too much, as it could easily break. Now, you can turn on the power supply and try your new bulb.

How to change a tube bulb

Standard bulbs are easy, but what do you do when you have to remove a tube bulb from a fluorescent lamp and put in a new one? Fluorescent lights are generally much stronger than standard ones, but there will come a time when you will have to replace them. This is what you have to do:

Turn off the power: again, when handling any electrical work, even a small task like this, it is better to be safe. Disconnect power from the fuse box and check if any lighting is still working. If not, you are ready for your task. You can also use a voltage tester to verify that there is no power in the device.

Prepare stairs: with fluorescent lamps, you will need a ladder that can take you to the ceiling. Place a ladder under the accessory and make sure you have a companion for additional support.

Remove the fluorescent: turn the tube 90 degrees, while carefully holding both ends with your hands. You can turn it in any direction until it stops and slides out of the accessory. Gently lower the tube and give it to the person below. Be careful, since these tubes tend to rotate when they are not placed in a stable position.

Place the new tube: to install the new fluorescent light, align its ends with the slots in any of the sockets. Once they are in place, turn it 90 degrees until it snaps into place. When you let go, you should stay there firmly. You can give a gentle pull to the tube to test it.

Try the new fluorescent: turn the power back on and turn on the fluorescent lamp. Some models need a minute to reach full brightness. If the new bulb does not work either, you may have a malfunction of the device, so you will need the help of a professional electrician.

germenes perlimp

Germs that you can find in your house

Sarm, e-coli, norovirus. These are some of the germs that you can find in your house

Although not all bacteria are bad, some are bad and can also cause infections.

Germs can be spread from surfaces or animals to humans or more commonly from skin-to-skin contact. To get rid of them, we must clean and disinfect our homes regularly and consciously.

The most common germs in homes are:


MRSA is a Staphylococcus aureus that is resistant to antibiotics, making it difficult to treat when it contracts.

How to fight it:

The best way to treat it is with bleach diluted in water. In a proportion of 1 part of bleach and 9 of water is sufficient for disinfection.

Keep in mind that bleach becomes less effective the longer it stays open. You should buy a new bottle after an open month.

It spreads through contact, therefore, it is important to disinfect common areas and shared objects, such as door handles, light switches and remote controls. Clean these areas once a week with disinfectant.

Be aware of your furry friends because they can also transmit staph bacteria! Disinfect pet toys frequently and make sure to wear gloves. Wash your hands thoroughly after cleaning.

The symptoms of MRSA include:

Red swellings with pus, fever, pain and discomfort, sensitivity in the affected area.

Spring cleaning

Yes, it is spring again! It is a time of temperate climate and ideal to go out to enjoy the good weather. It seems already a tradition that we get to work with spring cleaning. If you don’t know where to start, here are some tips:

You can start with windows

Cleaning the inside of the windows is a relatively easy task. If your house is not very large, you can end the task in half an hour. The best for window cleaning is a dry and clean microfiber and glass cleaner.

Follow with the radiators

It is usually lost as part of your weekly cleaning routine, however…. Radiators are a hotbed of dust! To clean them, take a slightly damp microfiber cloth and remove all the dust that has accumulated in the radiator and around it. If by chance you have the heating on, you must turn it off and so you can clean the pipes that go to and from the radiators. If it is very dirty, remember to wash and twist the microfiber frequently to avoid getting the radiators dirty again.

The interior of the cabinets

Most likely, you will clean the outside and front of the cabinets, but from time to time you must also clean the inside. Empty everything from the inside and pass with a clean and moist microfiber. Once cleaned, let it air dry for a few minutes before returning its contents to avoidmoistures and fungi.

Oven and extractor hood

A really challenging task but that needs to be done. Ovens can become a complicated task if they are not cleaned regularly, so be sure to devote some time to this task. Certain oven cleaners require you to leave the product soaking overnight, so plan ahead. While doing so, be sure to also clean the hood.

The time comes for the fridge and freezer

Freezers can be a blessing and a curse! They are excellent for storing food that you have bought in the supermarket at bargain prices, in addition to offering an excellent storage solution for preparing meals and delicious leftovers. However, they have the habit of accumulating unwanted or unused goods. That is why it is important that you frequently check its contents and discard spoiled food (we prefer that you consume it before it deteriorates, nobody likes to throw food …) To clean the freezer, you must first defrost it. Once it is thawed, you can clean it with a soft cloth and any soap solution or detergent. At the same time, empty the contents of your refrigerator on one side and wash the shelves and drawers of the sink, as you would with the dishes. Using the same solution you used in the freezer and clean the empty refrigerator. Replace all shelves, drawers and contents in the refrigerator, making sure that the handles, seals and placed correctly before finishing.


While doing spring cleaning, make sure you don’t overlook the microwave. Place a bowl of vinegar and water in the microwave and add a slice of lemon to scent. Turn on the microwave for a few minutes or until the window has filled with steam. Carefully remove the bowl (you will need a dishcloth as it will be very hot) and place the turntable in the sink. Clean the microwave and the door with a damp microfiber cloth and then wash the turntable as usual. Let air dry for a few minutes and reassemble the microwave.

Washing machine and dishwasher

It makes no sense to clean clothes or dishes in dirty appliances, right? Surprisingly, however, many people never give their white products the much needed cleaning and do not clean the washing machine or dishwasher! It is super simple to clean these two appliances. For the dishwasher, cleaning it can be as simple as putting a short program with a (plastic) cup of vinegar on the bottom. If you can easily access the filters you can also remove and wash them separately. And … ta-tan…. good cleaning and … happy spring! Enjoying this station in a clean house is much better, we assure you!

The importance of cleaning windows

The windows in a business are among the most visible features. In order to improve the attractiveness of any business from the outside, while updating your view from the inside, you may want to consider scheduling window cleaning services. At Perlimp we offer a complete service that our team of professional operators can provide you. With the help of experienced cleaning professionals, you can enjoy the beauty and attractiveness of impeccable windows. Professional window cleaning can provide your office building with many fantastic benefits.

Improve your image
By scheduling routine window cleaning for your business space, you can help improve the overall image of your company. When a customer or customer approaches your business, your windows are among the first features you will notice. To create an excellent first impression on all your potential customers, it is a good idea to configure professional window cleaning routinely.

Increase employee productivity
In addition to helping improve the image of your company, cleaning your windows regularly will also help increase the productivity of your employees. With clean windows, your office space will look clean and fresh. Maintaining the cleanliness and brightness of your windows will create an environment that encourages your employees to perform at their best. In addition, clean windows will help create a welcoming environment that will help your employees thrive.

Ensure the longevity of the window
Washing windows with a professional cleaning frequency can also help ensure the longevity and performance of your windows. In the event that you neglect to clean your windows for too long, dirt and dust may begin to accumulate on the windowsills and on the surface of the glass. When windows are left to get dirty for long periods of time, the performance of their glass and insulation could be compromised. To keep your windows in fantastic condition, it is a good idea to schedule a regular appointment for window cleaning, which in our company we can offer you the best budget that fits your needs.

Hygiene at work

The office is the place where we spend more hours throughout the day, so our well-being and comfort at work is essential for our satisfaction and our state of mind.

Cleaning in the office is an aspect that is usually taken into account for reasons of hygiene and in many cases of health, to avoid problems of allergies or spread of viruses. However, hygiene in our workplace can also affect other aspects related to productivity and motivation at work.

In this sense, every company must commit to having its facilities have an adequate cleaning service, but above all, a proper maintenance of such cleaning.

In fact, cleaning is the most important criterion for workers when assessing their work space; followed by lighting, noise and space. Many workers admit that the lack of cleanliness in their offices negatively affects their performance but also their well-being, their mood and their health.

This shows that office cleanliness is essential for job performance but to what extent does the lack of hygiene affect the company?

1. Lack of cleanliness in the office: lower productivity
It is evident that a clean, pleasant and fresh environment invites to work with greater comfort, while spaces with dirt, messy and without proper hygiene conditions cause discomfort and distract workers. Therefore carry out an adequate cleaning in the office will be essential to multiply the productivity of our workers.

2. Bad cover letter to customers
If the office is in poor hygiene, customers who visit you receive a bad impression that makes them think that there is a lack of professionalism and responsibility at work, which can hinder your business relationships with them.

3. Care for the health of workers
Dust that accumulates in an office can cause infections or allergies, so keeping the office clean helps create a healthy environment and also reduce absenteeism at work due to illnesses like the flu. Developing an adequate cleaning plan in the office will at the same time take care of the employees’ health while they are working, an element that is also the responsibility of the company.

4. Health of visitors
It is unpleasant for a client with allergies to begin to sneeze when he enters the office as it will make it obvious to him that there is dust on the premises. This is easily avoided by carrying out an adequate higene in the workplace. It will also allow you to increase the comfort of your guests when they pay you a visit.

5. Hygiene at work translates into long-term savings
The accumulation of dust can damage electronic equipment and work tools, so a correct maintenance will lengthen its useful life and allow you to save money in the long term

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