One of the most used ingredients when it comes to creating your own cleaning solutions at home is vinegar. It is said that this magic liquid has strong cleaning and disinfection powers. Actually, it can be used to remove soft spots or polish specific surfaces, but not all.
From Perlimp, we remind you that vinegar is a natural acid, which means that it has the power to cause serious damage if not used properly. That is why we have made a list of things you should never use vinegar in.
By the way, although the photo shows wine vinegar, the best vinegar to clean is white or apple vinegar.
Avoid using vinegar on marble or stone surfaces
Never use vinegar on stone countertops, it will do more harm than good.
What will happen?
Well, the acid will eat the stone. Discolorations and splinters will occur and your countertops will lose their shine.
What to use instead?
A first mixture of liquid dish soap and warm water will clean the marble surface much better. If you prefer, you can buy a specialized cleaner for these types of surfaces.
Do not use to clean pearls
Some people think they can use vinegar to polish virtually everything. But really it’s not so.
What will happen if you use vinegar to clean pearls?
Vinegar is known for its ability to completely dissolve pearls. The reason is simple, pearls are made of calcium carbonate, just like lime.
What to use instead?
Pearls are cleaned very easily. Do not put them in water or any chemical solution. Simply clean the pearls with a soft, damp cloth.
Vinegar is NOT good for your tiles
Many mold cleaners have vinegar as an ingredient and this can be a risk to your bathroom tiles.
What will happen?
Acid cleaners will damage the lining of your tiles and may even cause them to break more easily.
What to use instead?
You can use any non-acidic cleaner, from a simple liquid soap to a multipurpose detergent. The tiles, being smooth surfaces, are easily cleaned if you have the right tools.
DO NOT use it on electronic devices
You may have heard of the billions of microbes that live on your touch screen and want to eliminate them. Believe us, don’t use vinegar for that.
What will happen?
If you use some cotton, moistened with vinegar to clean your tablet or mobile, you run the risk of removing its oil-resistant coating.
What to use instead?
There are many different brands of screen cleaners. You just have to choose one and always apply it with a microfiber cloth.
Iron does not like vinegar
If you want to clean any iron object using vinegar you will spoil it. Vinegar and lemon juice are edible, but also acidic, which can seriously damage part of your household belongings.
What will happen?
If you decide to pour vinegar into the water hole in your iron and clean it as you would with a washing machine, you will find completely different results. The acid will damage the delicate internal parts of the iron and may even cause the appearance of rust.
What to use instead?
Always read and strictly follow the manufacturers instructions and guidelines. Don’t risk losing your money on expensive repairs.
Protect the wooden surfaces of your home
When performing their cleaning services, most companies use specialized solutions designed to protect wooden surfaces and extend their life. However, homemade products that contain vinegar are not so soft.
What will happen?
The acid will dissolve the varnish coating on the wooden furniture. Large discolored spots will appear and the surface will be permanently damaged.
What to use instead?
If you don’t have a good detergent at home, the multipurpose cleaner will do the job.
If you don’t want to play it and get an effective cleaning, you can always rely on our professionals to do the work for you. Contact us! or call us at 930 100 268.