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Some shoes untidy

Disordered habits that drive tidy people crazy

Some people have messy habits, it is no secret. Although we like clean and tidy things at Perlimp, we understand that not everyone is like us.

That said, we are going to list some customs that make people disorderly and make people who are not crazy.

Be careful, if you are a maniac of order, you can find these images a bit distressing:

The one who forgets to cover the toothpaste after using it:

We will never understand that after using the toothpaste (or any other tube) refuses to cover it again.

Open toothpaste
Open toothpaste

The accumulator of dirty dishes in water

He insists on soaking all the plates, bowls, cups and cutlery for a week and only realizes when there is nothing left to use

Dirty dishes under water
Dirty dishes under water

The one who never finds the time to throw the garbage

If we have lived with roommates, we have all encountered the typical escaping of that task …

Full trash can
Full trash can

The one who never makes the bed

Making a bed should be a habit we should all have. To others, it seems incredible how such a simple thing makes the room look much messier.

Unmade bed
Unmade bed

The one who leaves the shoes in the middle

Do you know someone who leaves their shoes in the middle of any room or hallway?

They seem to want to turn walking around the house into an obstacle course!

Some shoes untidy
Some shoes untidy

If you know other habits that drive you crazy too … Share them here!

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