Specialists in cleaning and treatment of pavements
PERLIMP specializes in the cleaning, maintenance and protection of all types of pavements, applying in each case the tools and procedures necessary to obtain the best results
Elimination of all types of dirt on any floor, using machinery and exclusive products, leaving the surface completely clean and restoring its original appearance.l.
We clean grease stains, used oil, pollution, vehicle rubble, rust stains from metal elements, cement, adhesive stains, spilled paints, horizontal road marking lines, etc.
Cleaning is carried out on all types of surfaces:
- PVC floors
- Continuous pavement
- Rustic floors
- Granite
- Marble
- Limestone
- Ceramic tile
- Hydraulic tile
- Concrete
- Cement
- Technical floors
The customer can choose between the different options: polished, polished and pickled among others.