Specialists in gyms and fitness centers
Cleaning in fitness, sport and gyms rooms requires maximum attention in disinfection and sterilization. Due to the large influx of people, cleaning and disinfection in sports halls and gyms should always be done with extreme care, applying chemical products and disinfectants daily and several times throughout the day, as well as other disinfection and sterilization techniques. Hygiene in a sports center is a basic premise for the proper functioning of the service and for compliance with all sanitary specifications, since the flow of users and subscribers is very high, which is why extreme disinfection and cleaning is necessary, and in this way avoid incidences of a microbiological nature.
For this reason, in Perlimp we use the most advanced systems for the application and use of state-of-the-art machinery and specific products for this type of cleaning, complying with the regulations and the corresponding disinfection protocols, which translates into satisfactory results in the controls and bacteriological analysis of sports centers.
We use cleaning, sterilization and disinfection techniques, applying the most innovative chemical products, as well as using steam producing machines that help us optimize the time spent in the cleaning service, and allow a greater degree of disinfection, sterilization and cleaning all the areas with which users come into contact. We offer competitive advantages in your business, the cleaning services of our company that is specialized, with adequate personnel and means will make it all easier.
We have solutions for all your needs with discretion and seriousness. We always provide an excellent service that affects the quality and image of your shopping center.