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Real or artificial Christmas Tree

Real or artificial Christmas tree

We have finally reached the last weekend of December. It is possible that you dedicate this weekend to buy the Christmas tree and have been wondering for days which one is best for home: if a real or artificial Christmas tree.

From Perlimp we explain you the pros and cons of having a real or artificial tree at home.

Real tree

-If you have a large dining room with enough space, you can opt for a real tree. Years ago, this was the most common in our homes, although little by little the option of artificial trees has been extended.

-A real Christmas tree is ideal if you have a garden and can plant it outside once the Christmas period is over. If not, you can also choose to plant it in a large pot, but for that you have to make sure that the tree has long and strong roots.

-In addition, as every plant absorbs carbon dioxide and helps purify the environment.

It’s prettier than an artificial tree.

-When we buy a real Christmas tree we do not contribute to the deforestation of forests, since they are grown in nurseries. So they don’t have a negative impact on the environment.

Do not throw it away when you want to get rid of it. Take it to a clean point as trees also release methane gases when they decompose.

–You have to take care of it: water it, clean the falling leaves and keep it out of heat sources.

– It is difficult to transport, since it weighs more than an artificial one.

Artificial tree

-An artificial Christmas tree is cheaper than a real tree.

-It is more resistant and doesn’t need care.

Their production contaminates, since they are usually made with petroleum derivatives.

They are not recyclable, so be sure to use it for a minimum of 10 years and once you get rid of it throw it in a clean spot.

It’s not as pretty as a real tree.

-Easy to transport.

Now you decide, which one suits your needs?

In Perlimp we are specialists in gardening services and we can also advise you with your Christmas tree.

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